Advantages and disadvantages of water-saving irrigation equipment

2021/07/01 16:27

The promotion of water-saving irrigation equipment can effectively irrigate water and improve the utilization rate of water resources. Water-saving irrigation has advantages and limitations.

Its advantages are as follows:

1. Save effort

Water-saving irrigation equipment can save more than 90% of the labor. Due to inflation and other reasons, workers’ wages have risen sharply, labor costs are also increasing, and it is very difficult to hire workers. After adopting water-saving irrigation equipment, the controller can automatically control solenoid valves and pumps, which can be a lot of labor.

2. Water saving

Compared with ordinary flood irrigation, water-saving irrigation equipment can effectively save more than 50% of water, and can save more than 40% of water than manual irrigation, mainly including: sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, ground irrigation, micro-irrigation, etc.

3. Water and fertilizer can be applied together

Simultaneous application of water and fertilizer is an important feature of water-saving irrigation. At the same time of irrigation, fertilizer can be mixed with water for irrigation, or it can be done simultaneously with spraying.

4. Suitable for different irrigation environments.

Water-saving irrigation equipment can be used for landscaping, roof greening, bonsai greening, vertical greening, etc. Traditional methods can't do it.

5. Improve the irrigation environment.

For flowers that are not resistant to high humidity, drip irrigation can be used. For flowers that like high humidity, it can also play a role in cooling down and improve the local environment of plants.


1. The initial investment is huge.

The investment of the artificial irrigation system is about 300 yuan per mu, the self-pressure dripping arrow irrigation system is about 2,000 yuan per mu, and the micro irrigation is about 1,000 yuan per mu. It can be seen that the initial investment of water-saving irrigation is very large, which also brings 10% obstacles to the promotion of water-saving irrigation technology. The piping requirements of the dripper are high, and a filtering system is required. In fact, as long as the design is proper, but the filtration system is properly maintained, it can be cheaper for many years and completely balance the cost.

2. Irrigation equipment quality and construction are also insufficient.

There are still certain shortcomings in the quality of irrigation equipment in my country, and more research and development needs to be invested, establishing one's own brand, and strengthening management to make the product quality meet the irrigation requirements. Construction companies must also not cut corners and use sufficient materials.