Jining has vigorously promoted water-saving irrigation equipment

2021/07/01 16:24

It is understood that Jining City is currently in short supply of water resources. In recent years, the city's annual water consumption has reached 4.6 billion cubic meters, with a per capita water consumption of 558 cubic meters, which is lower than 25% of the national average. It is an area with severe water shortage. Jining City vigorously promotes water-saving irrigation equipment and develops water-saving economy.

In the next few years, Jining City will vigorously promote water-saving irrigation equipment, actively promote high-efficiency water-saving agriculture, develop a water-saving economy, change extensive crop irrigation methods such as flood irrigation, and widely use water-saving irrigation controllers based on soil dry humidity , Vigorously promote the construction of water-saving irrigation projects, greatly increase the proportion of industrial water-saving and high-efficiency water-saving irrigation area, accelerate the structural adjustment and technological transformation of high water-consuming industries, promote water-saving technologies and equipment, and support water-saving in new and expanded projects Facilities to encourage enterprises to increase reclaimed water reuse.

Due to the uneven distribution of rainfall in Jining City, the extensive irrigation methods in the past and the prominent contradiction between water supply and demand, the annual water consumption gap in the dry season is 400 to 700 million cubic meters. At present, Jining has a total of 11,141 square kilometers of groundwater funnel area, which accounts for Jining. 1/2 of the total irrigated area, with an annual displacement of 200 million tons, accounting for 1,350 square kilometers.