What problems should be paid attention to when using plastic pipe production equipment in summer

2021/07/01 15:42

The summer weather is hot, and there are rains and even torrential rains from time to time, but the plastic pipe production equipment cannot be stopped, so in this weather, what should be paid attention to.

Although the weather in summer has a great impact, the production of various industries will not be affected. Moreover, due to the high temperature in summer, people spend more time using air conditioners in daily life, resulting in peak electricity consumption in summer, and current and voltage are in the peak period of electricity consumption. It is more common. In this case, when using the plastic pipe production line, you should pay attention to the current and voltage conditions at all times. When the current or voltage is unstable, please stop production immediately to ensure that the production is stable before starting the production.

Summer rainy weather, this kind of weather will seriously affect the current transmission, if the heavy rain is very serious, it is recommended to stop temporarily, do not continue to produce, lest the abnormal current burns the plastic pipe production line, check the equipment in time after the rain to prevent the equipment from getting damp, and there are also burning equipment Hidden dangers.

Summer is hot and sultry before rain. Such weather is not suitable for plastic pipe production equipment. Therefore, manufacturers can install large exhaust fans in the production workshop to discharge the sultry air in the workshop in time, so as to prevent the heat generated during the production of plastic pipe equipment from being dissipated in time, causing equipment operation failures, delays in production progress, and workers operating next to the equipment. Discomfort due to high temperature makes the impact more serious.

Thunderstorms are also common in summer. This kind of weather is not suitable for production, because thunderstorm brings unstable voltage and current. When operating plastic piping equipment, production failures may occur due to unstable voltage, and even lightning will have a more serious impact on the equipment. When encountering a thunderstorm, try not to produce, and cut off the power and switch of the equipment in time to ensure the normal operation of the workers and equipment.